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Tagging Instructions

See SAMPLE PICTURES @ the bottom of this page! 

Supplies needed:

* Card stock paper
(*white) Do NOT use colored, shiny or pearlized card stock.  The barcodes will NOT scan on these. *Regular paper will NOT be accepted. 


* Zip ties (smaller ones, to attach shoes together, to attach bags of smaller accessories to a larger toy or piece of baby equipment, to attach tank tops/swim suits/overalls to the top of hangers, etc.)

 *Safety pins (large ones)

* Adult size clothes hangers~ Wire hangers are preferred.   

Also, baby size hangers are NOT allowed for any clothing items over size 24 months.  Plastic hangers of any type DO NOT typically hold up during the entire event.  We will accept them (the thick, tubular kind), but know that your clothing may wind of on the floor due to the hanger snapping.  
🌟 Wire hangers are BEST! 🌟


* Ziploc plastic storage bags (gallon- and quart-sized)

* L and/or XL Ziploc plastic storage bags (These are super cheap at Dollar Tree.  You can find them at Walmart as well, but they are more expensive.)


* Clear packing tape

* Scissors

* Easy-Release Blue Painter's Tape for tagging tags to books, puzzles, boxes, etc.

* Magic Erasers to clean shoes, toys, etc.

Clorox wipes or baby wipes (to clean your items- clean items SELL, dirty items do NOT sell) 


These types of hangers (hanger pictured below) are NOT ALLOWED!  Due to the large amount of shoppers we have come through each season, they break and the clothing winds up on the floor.  
** Also, baby size hangers are NOT allowed for any clothing items over size 24 months.  

Plastic hangers of any type DO NOT typically hold up during the entire event.  We will accept them (the thick, tubular kind), but know that your clothing may wind of on the floor due to the hanger snapping.  Wire hangers are BEST! :)  

plastic hanger.jpg

🌟 Presentation is KEY when trying to sell!! 🌟 

❗ Make sure your items are displayed well ❗


Tags MUST be attached to clothing with safety pins.  

We do NOT allow tagging guns to be used. 

We have allowed them to be used in the past, but due to them causing large holes in the clothing, tags being placed in the wrong place on the clothing, and tags attached with tagging guns wind up falling off and in the floor we are NO LONGER ALLOWING TAGGING GUNS TO BE USED! 

When entering your "Item Description" be as specific as possible!  Items labeled with nonspecific descriptions (such as "shirt", "pants", "sleeper") will be rejected and will pulled from the sales floor if/when found during the sale. Instead use descriptions such as:  "Pink shirt with yellow heart", "Old Navy skinny jeans", "Carter's Pink striped sleeper w/purple bear".  

⭐ Car Seats- the expiration date and manufacture date MUST be printed ON your tag.  You will also be required to fill out a Car Seat Form at Drop-off!


Helpful Hints:   

📌 Tagging does go a LOT faster if you have your items divided by category and size before entering them!!  

📌 Definitely, keep items in the same order as when you enter them, so that it will be easy to match them up once the tags are printed. 

📌You can SPEAK your items into our online tagging system!  It is super easy and WAY faster than typing them in!!  To use this feature, when logging in to enter items, select 'Add Items', then click 'Mobile Voice Entry'.  We have used this for that last several seasons and LOVE it!!  (Be careful though, it does tend to put weird words in because of our East TN accents! LOL! 🤣)


Sizing Info:

 When entering kids clothing (both boys and girls) you MUST enter a NUMBER Size and NOT select Teen XS, Teen S, Teen M, Teen L, Teen XL.  These Teen sizes are for TEEN clothing ONLY and your childrens clothing WILL NOT SELL if you put these sizes on them, because they will be hung in the teen section and parents looking for little girl or boy size 8, 10, 12, 14, etc. are NOT looking in the teen section, they are looking in the size 8, 10, 12, 14.  


Here is a number sizing chart to use for CHILDREN'S Clothing if the tag in the clothing is labeled XS, S, M, L, XL: 


 ❇ Children's Clothing:

You MUST enter a number size!

If the tag in the clothing says XS = you select size 4 or 5

If the tag in the clothing says S = you select size 6

If the tag in the clothing says M = you select size 7 or 8

If the tag in the clothing says L = you select size 10 or 12

If the tag in the clothing says XL = you select size 14


These Teen sizes are for TEEN clothing ONLY and your childrens clothing WILL NOT SELL if you put these sizes on them, because they will be hung in the teen section. Childrens clothing that you tag with Teen XS, S, M, L, XL sizes WILL BE REJECTED (even if we find it after Drop-off!)!

 ❇ Teen Clothing:

The following Jr/teen sizing guidelines must be followed.  Your clothing will NOT SELL if you do not label it with the correct size.  The size that is IN THE TAG, is what you must go by, not what you think.  Example: If the tag (in the piece of Teen Girl clothing) says size 5, the tag you print must say "Teen Girl S", if the tag is in a Teen Boy shirt and it says Medium, your tag must say "Teen Boy M". 
*Clothing that is not sized correctly on the Andrew and Abby's Closet tag (the size that you enter) will be rejected.  

*These sizes are reserved for true TEEN clothing (NOT larger children's sizes)!

Teen Girls:
Teen XS= 0, 1, 2

Teen S= 3, 4, 5

Teen M= 6, 7, 8

Teen L= 9, 10, 11

Teen XL= 12 & up


Teen Boys: 

Pant waist sizes= 

Teen XS= 27-28

Teen S= 29-31

Teen M= 32-34

Teen L= 36-38

Teen XL= 40+



⭐ Hanging, Pinning, and Tagging

Refer to the info here and pictures below as resources for hanging, pinning, & tagging!

❇  DO NOT TAPE OVER THE BARCODES on your tags!!  


❇  USE ONLY WHITE CARDSTOCK TO PRINT TAGS! Your printer MUST be set to Black and white! If your ink is bleeding the scanner will not read the barcode! Do NOT use shiny or pearlized card stock.  The barcodes will NOT scan on these and we will reject them. Tags printed on regular paper will NOT be accepted!

 Do not reduce the size of the tags to get more tags/page, the scanner will not be able to read the barcode. It should print 6 tags per sheet of cardstock. 

❇  Pin the tag to the upper right-hand side of the clothing, using a single safety pin (NO LITTLE GOLD SAFETY PINS). 

❇  Clothes Hanger hook MUST face the left!  It will look like a QUESTION MARK (?) when you are facing the item. 


   Do NOT pin shirts on hangers!! * Shirts MUST be placed ON (over)the 

hanger, then if you need to pin it to secure it to the hanger, that is fine. This includes baby shirts and onesies, do NOT pin them to the hanger, place them ON the hanger like a normal shirt.  Small zip ties work GREAT for securing tank tops, sleeveless dresses, overalls, girl's swimsuits, etc. to the hanger!!

  ONLY 1 shirt per hanger! 


  Do NOT pin shirts to the front or back of pants/skirts/shorts, other shirts etc.

      Shirts MUST be placed ON (over) the hanger. 


  Do NOT pin shorts/pants/skirts to the back or front of shirts.  
      Shorts/pants/skirts must be pinned directly to the TOP of the hanger.  You can place a shirt on the hanger as you normally would, then pin pants/shorts/skirts to the top of that hanger, but NOT to the shirt (pins should only be on the hanger, not touching the shirt).  Legs of pants/shorts should NOT be tucked into the pants, 


 🌟  When items are pinned to other clothing and NOT to or on the hanger, the pressure from the shoppers looking through the clothes, causes the pins to pull holes in the clothing that is pinned to other clothing. Items NOT pinned correctly WILL BE REJECTED! 

❇  Packing Tape is recommended for attaching tags to items other than clothing (toys, Dvds, baby equipment, etc.).


❇  Painters' Tape works very well on books and puzzles!!!  Packing tape sometimes messes up books, puzzles and packaging. Do NOT tape over the barcode! 

For larger items (bikes, swings, playhouses, etc.):  At drop-off, your tag will be removed from your item and joined with a Large Item Security Tag, which will then be zip-tied back on your item.  Please take all large items to the Security Tag Table at Drop-off.  The Security Tag Table will be located at the end of the 1st row of girls' clothing racks.  

❇  Place loose pieces to toys in a Ziploc bag & tape the bag shut (to keep out little fingers).  If there is a larger piece, like a dollhouse, then tape the bag to the dollhouse. **Use tape or zip ties for this.** 

       ~Do NOT tape over the barcode on your tag! 

❇  All items that require batteries, must have working batteries. Only items that work sell! Items without working batteries will be REJECTED!! 

❇  Shoes- MUST BE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION and they MUST be CLEAN (no holes, no dirt/mud, no separation or loosening of the sole, NOT overly scuffed, no missing laces).  Cleats and boots must also be clean. Shoes WILL be checked after they are placed on the shoe tables, if they are rejected, they will automatically be donated.  Please, only bring your best. They must be tied in pairs by shoelaces or safety pinned together (cable or zip ties work well too), attaching the tag to the safety pin.  
TIPS: Machine-washing & air-drying works great, and "Magic Erasers" from Wal-mart make soles look white again. 
Shoppers can see your shoes a lot better if they are not in a Ziploc bag. ***Do NOT place shoes in Ziploc bags, they will be rejected.  Do NOT bring shoes in boxes. (Boxes will be thrown away.)


 ❇  Sets of clothing: you can either place a zip tie/rubber band around several hangers or place smaller items in a Ziploc bag and attach to the hanger.  Be sure to list as a set on your seller tag. **Do NOT pin pants to the back of shirts (the pins will rip the shirts).  You can pin pants to the hanger, then place the shirt over the hanger as you would normally hang a shirt. Items not pinned correctly WILL BE REJECTED! 


❇  All pants, shorts, and skirts MUST be SECURELY safety pinned to the TOP of the clothes hanger. Tilt the hanger and make sure the item does not slide down to the bottom of the hanger. Clothing that is NOT pinned correctly to the TOP of the hanger, will be REJECTED! 
*TIP for pinning pants, shorts, skirts to the hanger:  fold a little of the waistband over the top of the hanger and pin the item on that way.  Also, place your pins further out from each other, not so close.
🌟 See pics below for reference. 


   Onesies  should NOT be placed in Ziplock bags!  You can sell them in sets by hanging on hangers and zip tying the hangers together. 

 Pajamas should NOT be placed in Ziplock bags.  Pajamas should be hung on hangers. 


❇  Option to Donate:  When making your tags you will have the option to select to donate your unsold items!   We donate all donated items to TLC Community Center. They do NOT sell the donated items, they are given freely to those in need!! 

❇  Option to Sell Items at 50% OFF:  Our 50% off Sale will be Sat. from 10am-4pm. If you do not want your item sold for 50% off leave the discount option blank when making your tags. Your item will still be available during the 50% off sale, but will NOT be sold for 50% off.  Please consider marking your items to be sold for ½ price! MOST of our shoppers that come to the 50% Off Sale, will NOT purchase items on that day that are NOT marked 50% off.  

❇  All items MUST be priced in $1 increments!!  If you have an item that is not worth $1 place it in a set with something else!! 

❇  All items must be tagged according to our tagging guidelines.  

❇  We will NOT accept tags from other consignment sales. 

❇  Baby Clothing Sizes:  When tagging baby clothing, if the tag says "3 months" please select "0-3"months.  If the tag says "6 months", select "3-6 months", etc.   

Always go with the lower size 

❇  Bibs:  Do NOT place bibs in Ziploc bags.  Bibs in Ziploc bags WILL BE REJECTED! Do NOT hang them on hangers. We have a rack that bibs will be clipped to.  

❇  Tights:  Do NOT place tights in Ziploc bags.  If selling several pairs together, safety pin them together.  They do NOT sell when placed in bags. 

❇  Only 1 Tag per Item:  Do NOT place more than 1 tag on an item.  Any items found with more than 1 tag (this includes tags from other sales left on or placed under the tag from our sale), will be taken off the sales floor, and your check will NOT be ready at Pick-up as we will have to double check all your sold inventory.  

❇  Preparing for Drop-off:  Upon arrival you will need to have all clothing grouped according to size and gender.  Example:  group all of your girls 3t's together, boys 2t's together, etc.  This is much easier to do AT HOME prior to loading your car.  You will need to have this accomplished BEFORE getting a clothing rack and/or bringing your items into the building at Drop-off!



⭐ Picture yourself at Pick-up carrying all those out-grown items you spent time tagging back to your car? Not fun, huh? Want a better experience? Price REASONABLY, and you will get a larger check & have less to take home!!!  

Pricing tips:  
📌 When pricing, ask yourself, 'What would I pay for this'.  
📌 If it has not sold after 4 days of full-price shopping, then it probably will not sell at all, unless you let it go for ½ OFF, so LET IT GO FOR ½!!  Most shoppers on 50% Off day will NOT buy full price items!  
📌Make sure you price bargain brands (like Garanimals, Faded Glory, Sonoma, Child of Mine, Circo & Cherokee) for no more than $1 per piece!  
📌Remember that because of the large volume of infant clothing we get each season, you MUST price these sizes very reasonably and competitively ($1-4 for almost all items under size 12 months!).  

Andrew and Abby's Closet is NOT responsible for any missing items.  Attach tags well!

How to Hang Pants Flyer.png


we will accept them hung like this but the above wa y is far better (1).png
Do NOT hang pants like this they will be rejected.png

How to tag shoes

Clean the shoes (magic erasers work GREAT), zip tie the shoes together, pin the tag on with a safety pin.

shoes tagging.jpg

How to tag blankets

Fold neatly, tie a ribbon or twine around them (this is a much better option than placing in a Ziploc bag, but that is acceptable as well), pin tag onto the blanket.


How to package smaller accessories that go with things.

Place them in a large or XL Ziploc bag, tape the bag shut, use a zip tie to attach the bag to the larger toy or item.

Doll house with accessories.jpg

How to package and tag jewelry. 

* Earrings:  stick posts through an index card, place backs on, place in a Ziploc bag, tape Ziploc bag shut, tape tag to the back of the bag. 

* Necklaces or bracelets:  tape to index card, place in a Ziploc bag, tape Ziploc bag shut, tape tag to the back of the bag. 

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